Evidence about a person’s character for impeachment purposes gets treated differently from evidence about a person’s character to show how he or she acted out of court. What are these differences and why does the law have them? When a party wants to show how someone acted out of court, using character evidence for that […]
Entries Tagged as 'character evidence'
Character Evidence for Impeachment of a Witness – Arthur Best
April 27th, 2010 · 1 Comment · All Posts, Evidence, Lawdibles Audio
Character Evidence: Evidence law’s anti-propensity inference rule and its exceptions. – Arthur Best
April 20th, 2010 · 2 Comments · All Posts, Evidence, Lawdibles Audio
Why does so much evidence about a defendant’s character get admitted, even though the law supposedly rejects the propensity inference? This question highlights a fundamental problem in evidence law – the shaky rationale for the anti-propensity rule, and the complications surrounding the many exceptions to the rule. Professor Arthur Best will address these issues and […]